Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Progression of My Final Project

Wednesday, November 30th:
I returned to Bowe Street for the first time since Thanksgiving break intending on building my wood panels only to discover that some of the wood pieces had been cut JUST SLIGHTLY too effing small. I took a trip to Lowe's and bought more wood. Sadly, it was past 5:00pm so I couldn't work in the wood shop.

Thursday, December 1st:
I went to the wood shop to cut all my pieces of wood AGAIN. Thankfully, they were the right size this time.

Friday, December 2nd:
I crafted my wood panels and sanded them to infinity and applied the first coat of gesso.

Saturday, December 3rd:
Bought more supplies

Adding more tape to the sides of my wood panels

Wednesday, December 7th:
 Letting the final coat of gesso dry (3 coats total)

Thursday, December 8th:
Sanding (x3)

 Friday, December 9th:
Preliminary Drawing

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Crafts & Material Studies

I interviewed Jordan (junior, Craft & Materials Study major with a focus in glass blowing).

Sculpture & Extended Media

I interviewed Eric McMaster, a professor in the Sculpture & Extended Media department. Hurrs muh notes:

 I also sat in on a Project: Sculpture class to see what it was allabout, hurrs some mo' notes:

Painting & Printmaking

My classmate, Mike and I recorded an informal interview with Joan Ko (junior, Painting & Printmaking major). She gave us lots of great info on the Painting & Printmaking department. Listen to it here. Thanks, Joan!!